I have been using this weird blue goop for a few months now and I feel like I can finally give it the review that it deserves. This highly exfoliating face scrub is mentholated to give you a cool refreshing feeling when used. It’s like mouthwash FOR YOUR FACE.
This is a good general purpose acne face wash. It makes no claims of giving you newborn baby skin or turning your acne scars in to hundred dollar bills. It is however a highly refreshing, oil free, exfoliating face wash. It feels good and it gets the job done. Just a good ol’ American face wash, loves its mama and goes to church every Sunday.

The Bottle
The bottle is pretty basic, a 5 oz. squeeze bottle with one hip rounded edge. It stands up at the nozzle which is a nice touch so the face wash is always ready to squirt out with minimal effort. The bottle now boasts that it is “New and Improved” which basically just means that they got rid of those plastic micro beads that used to be in a lot of cosmetics. Remember those things? Can you believe that at one point, not too long ago, we were rubbing little plastic beads mixed in to gels and creams on our faces?

Microbead Madness
This particular product was actually one of the biggest contributors to the plastic micro bead market, wreaking havoc on a variety of wildlife as the beads made their way out of our bathrooms and graduated to the real world. Fish, amphibians, turtles, birds etc… started mistaking the little plastic balls for food and eating them. These poor creatures were getting very sick and dying as a result of bead consumption. The beads were banned in the U.S. in July 2017. Clean & Clear Deep Action Exfoliating Scrub now uses little bits of microcrystalline wax as an alternative.

The Ooze
Now on to the ooze itself. A little dollop is all you really need, lets say a teaspoon. You keep measuring spoons in your bathroom right? Perfect. It basically feels like gel with salt in it. I’m gonna be straight up with you, this stuff feels GREAT. The microcrystalline wax makes it feel like your whole face is getting massaged and itched. As I mentioned, it is mentholated and it is exhilarating. It feels like you washed your face with a candy cane. You can literally feel your pores screaming.

After washing it away I feel totally clean and refreshed. It really does absorb all the dirt and oil off your face pretty efficiently. That feeling of “someone just dumped a bottle of peppermint oil on my face” lingers for a few minutes even after you wash it off. An hour later my face feels clean, soft, and moisturized. I do not get dry skin from this product.
It’s Pretty Alright Stuff!
I’m giving this blue goo a 4 out of 5. It’s not gonna cure your depression, but as a daily face wash it nails it. I love how it cleans and I love that it wakes me up before I go go.
What do you think about Clean & Clear Deep Action Exfoliating Scrub? Comment below and let me know, maybe you have a better face wash. Maybe you’re full of it who knows.

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